Saturday, September 15, 2018

COF Data Gate Drive

eBook and Printed Book Avalaible

Gate Drive COF Data for TFT Panels 
For more details please contact us at +923139292880 Whatsapp

  1. LCD LED TV No Display,
  2. Slow Motion Picture
  3.  Grey Or Black Display,
  4.  White Display,
  5. Screen Double Images,
  6. Display Jumping/Jurking,
  7.  Display Distortion, Ghost 
  8. Display Colour Change Solution,
  9. Negative Image,S Solarization 
  10. Horizontal & Vertical Lines/Bars,
  11. Half Screen Display Problem
  12. Mapping , Picture Freezing
  13. Lines removing Method
  14. Ghost Image Also many more
  15. With big collection of
  16. Cof Data including 
  17. No1 eBook
LCD LED TV Panel Bypassing ebooks Package Buying Now And Get 4 ebooks.